Upon arrival at Keflavik International Airport, you can immediately see the beauty of the coldest country in the Old World – Iceland. The airport of the main city of Iceland is located among the picturesque mountains and endless fields. In general, leaving the airport, you might think that you are in the country of agriculture. The best way for a budget tourist to get from the airport to the main city of Iceland is by bus.

Keflavik International Airport

The ticket price will be five dollars and fifty-five cents. At the same time, the journey from the airport to the city will take at least one hour and thirty minutes. But the only advantage of this short trip can be considered the opportunity to see the beauty of Iceland. During the transfer, you can see many mountains, as well as rare animals that walk not far from the highway.


Upon arrival in Reykjavik, any tourist immediately understands that the main city of Iceland is not a traditional European capital. Reykjavik is a small and liveable city that not many tourists will like. It’s all about the simplicity of Iceland’s main city. No one will find a lot of pathos and expensive clubs or casinos in it. Everything is simple and cozy, there are very few people in the city. For example, in the morning on the streets of the main city of Iceland you will not meet almost a single living soul.


There are also not many attractions in Reykjavik. The only place that is definitely worth a visit for a budget tourist is the Temple of Hallgrinskirkja. On the one hand, this temple does not represent any historical value, but many tourists, among other places, choose this particular temple to visit. From the outside, the Hatlgrinskirkja temple looks like a huge rocket, but this is not its main feature. Unlike many European temples, there is not a single fresco in Hallgrinskirkja. Mostly tourists come to this temple in order to enjoy the beautiful sound of the organ.

Temple of Hallgrinskirkja

Being in the capital of Iceland, you must definitely visit a small cafe on Skalafordurstigur Street. In this cafe, any tourist can try many different dishes from the national cuisine of Iceland. But it is worth noting that in this cafe a budget tourist can afford only a few dishes. After all, prices in cafes start at twenty dollars.

Skalafordurstigur Street

At the same time, these prices are among the lowest in the city, and therefore budget tourists often take groceries in the supermarket.

national cuisine

But you should also prepare for the fact that prices in the supermarket will also be quite high. This is due to the fact that Iceland has a very harsh climate, which is why vegetables, fruits and other food products do not grow in the country.

Reykjavik Backpackers

Finding accommodation in the main city of Iceland is not difficult for a budget tourist. In Reykjavik, right in the city center, there is a wonderful hostel called Reykjavik Backpackers. The cost of a bed in this hostel is forty dollars per night. Often for budget tourists, this amount is “unbearable”. That is why in Iceland there is a special site with which you can find free housing. Volunteers are ready to shelter any budget tourist for the night absolutely free of charge.

The result of visiting Iceland, or rather its main city, may be a suburb of the capital. Having driven fifteen to twenty kilometers from Reykjavik, you can see the real Iceland, and most importantly, experience the harsh climate of this wonderful country.

real Iceland

In order to experience the whole Icelandic culture, you will need to take off your jacket and boots. And then make a climb up the mountain, the top of which will cool any ardor. On average, the distance to the summit is one kilometer. At the same time, you do not need to pay for this entertainment.