Denmark is the birthplace of one of the world’s most famous storytellers – G.Kh. Andersen. It is not for nothing that the main symbol of the country has become a monument to the beloved character of his fairy tale in Copenhagen – “The Little Mermaid”, whose story is known to almost every child. Now Denmark is the most attractive place for families with children. The basis of the children’s entertainment sector is located in the capital of the country – Copenhagen and its suburbs. In addition to the traditional places to visit with children: the zoo, thematic tours, etc., there are many amazing, fabulous places in Denmark.

The most famous of them is the Legoland amusement park in Billund, completely created from different-sized plastic Lego blocks. Here you can see many countries in miniature: sights and city buildings of Denmark, Germany, Japan and the USA.

Here the child will be able to visit the most interesting attractions, the kingdom of knights, pirate caves with treasures, an amazing 3D cinema. Not far from Legoland is the largest entertainment complex Lalandia, where visitors can plunge into the warm, tropical atmosphere of a sunny resort.

In addition to traditional water slides, children will be delighted with the real waves of the foam pool, visiting underwater caves and swimming surrounded by exotic fish. You can not ignore the oldest amusement park “Bakken” (Bakken) in Copenhagen. The rides, stylized as the 16th century, will give unforgettable, vivid impressions and give a special colorful Danish spirit to family vacations. After enjoying the fabulous atmosphere of theme parks and amusement parks, plunging into the world of Vikings, pirates, Indians and adventurers, do not forget about the many interesting museums in Denmark.

Chief among them are the National Museum in Copenhagen, which presents a unique ethnographic collection “Peoples of the World” with exhibits of ancient weapons and household items of African tribes, ancient Chinese, American Indians and other peoples; as well as the Guinness World Records Museum, where each visitor is given an amazing opportunity to interactively repeat perfect records. This is not a complete list of places that will be of interest to children.

There are many theme parks in Denmark (Bon-Bon Land, Durs-Summerland), zoos, water parks, and do not forget about amazing castles, museum expositions and excursions throughout the country. Therefore, Denmark is guaranteed to leave vivid memories and unforgettable impressions for the whole family.